Friday, May 1, 2009

it makes strangers chuckle together on the street

there's a great rumbling notion
that tumbles the ocean
like the waves - only stronger -
like what pushes those

it's inside my purpose
and it makes me nervous
- in a good way -
a way that I think I chose

it's this notion that brings me
to ponder the question
- what makes us all
so incredibly close -

why is it that in a pinch
we belong here
carried by currents
we follow by nose

and that infinite, inconspicuous
wind that still grows.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Now Reading

Hey guys,

Lisa and I talked about our book, and agreed we might be better off starting with a shorter book that she recommends: 'A Room with a View.'

Let's do it! Maybe we can read 'Middlesex' next.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mason Jar

A mason jar sits idly
Unused, in the pantry
Awaiting purpose
Surrounded by properly labeled cans
Boxes, ingredients and shiny commercials
Food dressed like some poorly
Arranged mall family photo
Carrot, grain, animal, spoon, elf
All enlarged, all showing texture
Plastic milk and white coats

A tomato has many waxy friends
From soil stained oily and thin
A glow and a buzz, not really a beam
Growing towards the unreachable, wind and dust
Stolen from the vine, the last connection
Diced fleshed bleeds small seeds
Dripping like much saliva from dogs
Cold cogs feeding America loudly
An ingredient worthy of a future meal
In five years

A mason jar eyes its neighbors
Glass and jealous, gold lid awry
Still empty, without purpose
Shoved behind dry beans
Plastic bag fading

Sunday, April 12, 2009

blog suggestion

Hello art-interested friends,

As we talked about a bit last night, I'd like this blog to be a friendly point of inspiration.

It'll be informal and utterly optional, but available. It's there for our creatively-powered meanderings that run parallel to, or beyond, what we get to talk about during our in-person meetings. Poetry, lyrics, photos, art. Ideas. Links...

Blog address -

See ya at work!